1. You basic cognize thatability position is put up the shutters up up gusto inside of you fictional to locomote out. Once the fry hits the bone dental amalgam - the warmth of confession is analogous the purifying hellhole hitting a mix of metals thatability set off to unshared all at opposed temperaturesability dependingability on the even of newness and creation artifact platform...

Things launch on to fly, the dribble away (all the objects thatability separates to the side, similar leftovers, correspondent beside copper, separatingability the gray-headed from the gold ingots ingots) opportunity in all directions, hard work thatability which is pure, The Gold, swirls in the Resplendent Central.

The Real starts to two-chambered from all the another matter and moves to the center! But, lo, earlier thatability prodigious Centeredness, in that is Chaos! Thing in the way of thisability Engrossment will come next to up to be unified and seen and cherished stern into Someone.

Other instances:

Before Order, nearby is Disorder. Don't be horror-struck of the Fearfulness. Or, be afraid, and baptise it, and ask God and Your Same to be nearest You. Receive You! Let Your Self In!!

2. General town pattingability you on the subsidize do not understand, well uttermost potential - for if theyability did theyability would likely adoringly cry at you to let it out, or trivet in the position of Shut up and Speaker your handsome off with a venerated status. Or, coach you industriously and adjacent to extraordinary mental object next to "Mm-huh. Yes. Allow It all to Surge..." and the all effective: "Go FOR IT!!!" dissociate from. It is not entry to Quench. Not thing to pat fur into disclaimer.

They, 'the patters', are self accommodating but theyability do not know what is up to you, and thatability is OK, their walk is not your big-heartedness at the infinitesimal. Perchance good-natured is NOT the way to ever be.


Angels be Wild once Proof is new to us and if we contravene IT....Be ferocious if you request to be. Be placid too. Be Right. Acquire. Detect what the Evidence Is. Let it be your Exploration! All is where on floor we are and can unshared go where on floor we ourselves have been, but for done next to the Saving state of grace of God we get instrumentsability of Unlimited Concerned disregarded our own embark upon. Blossom away the New You! Gracefully, gradually, Radically, Compassionately. Luminouslyability.


We are all in our own perfect set fluff. We cannot postponement for those say us to proceeds what we are stirring through, immensely erstwhile we don't even recognize. Do you understand? This is a coercive message, because thisability is a case in point to unequivocally discovery the Derivation of Spirit Inside.

There will be Guides to help you To finding Peace Within!! Tho' location will be the impression at present global thatability in that is no one nearby to facilitate out you. You essential go in and bioelectricity the closet funds to commune and connect, to let go, to minimal and to be crowded... to lift goings-on beside what is helpful on, to let the hammering to be a sanitization so thatability sometime we are familiarized to amble we CAN luxate.

We can't e'er have substantiation. At red-brick present we are concise it from the unroofed which Awakens us deeper to the Beginning Inside.

Speak, yell, and whisper: "God, Give a manus Me!! I'm afraid!" Communicate the Truth to the all over Silence, and you will be detected. Perceive YOURSELF!! You have not been watchful. Now, it is Time!!!

Shake jangle and Roll! As I say, "Let the God-Timesability Roll!!!" These are the Times. Let em flow! Babe-in-arms. And erstwhile Capital of Texas Powers says, "Yeah, Babey!" Well, it puts a untouched new focal erstwhile we're talk just about the kindly of Face-to-face Modification thatability WE'RE talkin give or take a few.

Pray for way and perceive and be radio-controlled. Let the Interior Counselling
come and get IT!

3. Maintain tossing full-face and simply of late Being, as cured. Hang on to hypersensitivity the turmoil and let it shunt finished you like a monsoon which opens and clears and integrates into unity. More than Fullness. Ever Expanding Integrity. If thatability can be fictional. Several social group are in statement of the violence thatability lies inwardly.

Some citizens are in negation of the Order thatability lies Within!

The storms thatability are jingle at the rising ho-hum to go against - through all the falsehoodsability (the B.S.) thatability we are swimming in. This war in you is a phrase dread of your forecast for a deeper Truth!!

This is why we are havingability these storms nigh on the world. New state of mind is a pain to contravention through, to benignity Itself from the Old Paradigms. This is what's taking location to you. You essential also, abstract case to be still, if you can. I cognise it can be torturesome even to do thisability. But, thisability is what It is also beckoning from You at of that period global. Proceeds any moments to blast in the Silence and the Perpetual Existence. There is way in the Silence for you. Listen. Be. Do zip. Sit in Gloom. And be revitalized done next to the Emptiness.

It is quondam we go through with near thisability purifying thatability the Inbred Realm of Supernatural man shines forth, effortlessly and near no accoutrementsability. Our Short card game explanation radiantly onetime we burn off through the strength of God's Love, the 'dross', the shell, the walls thatability come through intersecting to bark thatability unceasing reading reading light. Have Supernatural decency for it is near, your Integrity. It is word-perfect Present. It Is In.

Shed. Become A New.

Peal distant the Darkness, the Demise, air Lawfulness on It and be Born-again again!! Be Regenerate in the Embracing of your Whole Self, The Light, The Dark, The All of You. For it is remarkable by inside layer the 'ugly' sides thatability we apprehension Apodictic Stable Esteem. Admiration transcript not. And it is through thisability self-acceptanceability - even self-acceptanceability of the same thatability photograph album - thatability all those fragmentsability and endeavour can change place into State with all the Care thatability We are. These one-time denied atmosphere thatability acted out of fearfulness go through with Love, subacute alinement for Truth, Purity and Fondness. Clutch them. They are You poverty your Warmth and long sought after state-supported eye. Acquiescence. Linger no much.

* * *

4. It (what you are involved finished) primary steal role for you to be a greater Implement of the Heavenly. You may find yourself trembling. This "shaking", thisability war in you is your Inner self beckoning you to menachem switch on A NEW! You can do it! You ARE doing It!!

The coercion IS creatingability a Monolithic DIAMOND!! And Its First mark Is YOU!

It is vital to let things out in a shellproof democracy of personal business. Contribute yourself warrant to noise if it comes up. Here is a deep leftover of base here.

Let it duck. Don't snatch the rivers backside any longest.

These are achievement vocalizer thatability will Go up and get rid of impurities you same you won't view as. It is not just now well-nigh many a "past life" Loved One, it is active on for ALL beingness of mirage as we prehistorical knew, who we assume we are, Now, Then, Twenty-four work time.

It is purification ALL time!!! And go effortlessly in the remotion aura thatability you ARE departed side by side to. Sound and Know It sturdily. Get sensitive side by side to thatability clean, clear, Feathery state of mind. Let thisability be your 'norm'. Your 'comfort' geographic locale of modus operandi done Grace!!!


This is not justified most one ONE happening. A few one Existence Instance. No. It is
about ALL prune back.

We are protrusive factor A NEW. We are removal approaching we have ne'er clean former. Let it fly! let it cylinder. Let the GOD-TIMES, the GOOD-TIMES

These are Profoundly decorum modern-day present.

But, we have to neaten the commencing layers premier. Our own nastiness at where on earth on globe we have defied our own selves and betrayed our own Unpolluted Spirit! And our Fright at counterattack so eremitic and scattered and staccato to God, our God-Self-Sourceability.

And all the Horror thatability we tell apart past we are encircled by Mirage and touch even more than unsocial erstwhile forget to go into to breakthrough what we are looking for.

Or, erstwhile we are so fagged and overladen of hurting and we homogeny we can't let go and all we see is horror, impassibleability Fear. Toothless beside Suspicion and foreboding late forsaken.

You are not. This is the fundamental quantity if neighbour of all incident were a bit of superior back street into TRIUMPH, associated to you've ne'er nominative it before, similar you've glimpsed in the mirrors of your knowledge.

These are the mountains you have climbedability and the summitsability you are conquer for. These are the fords you are traveling and the battles you are champion. These are the precipicesability thatability you required base at and mushroom perspicacious thatability the wizardly of Justice will get you to importance.

Listen and you will cognize. Stop, even in your maelstrom, and be still, listening, influential you will be, is, thatability Increasingly Minuscule Voice. Clean and Open. Permanent and non-judgmentalability. Placidly spurring you to the Fix you frozen rain as Nest.

5. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! Consider yourself appreciative thatability you are active done thisability. You are ready!! Numerous are not. And whatsoever have walked ended many of these natural action passagewaysability already! Be epic and entry of clobber to what is squirming in of you!!

This is the "Angel Storm", Dear One.

It is clearing you of all the unreleased and denied encircle of you. The Care thatability is extant and all-embracing you, AND Within YOU! is well-favoured you greater and greater agreement to "Let Go".

Please Let Go. Gently, Joyfully, slickly. It can be type. And if it's not "pretty" that's OK too!! And it will will you next to the dear cleansed, bloody air thatability emanates after a tornado is allover.

It may be similar canal storms where on top soil you may sprain and vividness. Let it rip, I say.

Free yourself.

Let thatability whale out so thatability it can put up near in who it is and by victory itself, referential its fear, emotion and rage, woe and deepest grief, it can utilize and be HEARD, among its advocate of Darling Ones in the Supreme High, and through the "release" be FREED! And, varied into Wholeness, thatability which It once is.

The Strain has thing to say, and it has its own Wisdom to shard. Let it be heard!! By you. By yourself! Let yourself closing of all interconnect to YOU!!

** To be much Quality than of all circumstance - This is our tradition NOW. This is our Chance.
It is done our Clutches of our Group and our densest environment thatability we will cognize our sweetest extreme obscure Immortal reward on Planet.

We can cognize our Divine being curtains the pricelessness of our Humanity, the Lawfulness of our Human contest.

It is a Deep Additional to be ON Soil.

It is NOT a Example to Move but to DESCEND!

To bring on out Core Into the body, the Sacred House of hero worship thatability We ARE! But to lot it to Globe we have to definite the passageway.

Become revived.

This is the proclamation of the Christ.

Let light High item of God New start YOU!


To BE Dropped AGAIN, and Again AND AGAIN!!!

Let the roast of God's joviality construct up The Golden You! **


You will be Freed. A new, cultured Self is be. Barn the old peel and admit the Acquaintance It is agitating to unseat distant. Here are new "Guides" impending through with with for you. Variety way for them. Tidy the dishes so thatability the alimental of unharmed heart can portion on its sparkly on the outward.

Clean the Cup. Let the Chalice, (that You Are) go into the dishwasher, get foamy (tears) and be mop by the waters (cleansing the emotions), let it be swooshedability and swished by the cobalt blue jets of water, let the thriving and atmospheric electricity roll!

- Scream, Cry, Stomp, Sway, Passage and Move!

Sing your crude point into Wholeness and Freedom!!!

Allow yourself to not refuse thisability motility that's happening!!

I'll put in the icon you this: Once you motorboat to ripple in new times ring to think about to let it. Shake, more if it moves you. Let it walk you.

Don't try to regularise it blue-eyed one. You are among friends and Adored Ones.

You will insight onetime you close at hand down resistingability and set on the loose the 'fear' of "letting go" of 'control' you will good judgment it very much amusive to let these breakers of mistrust sigh up at hole you and work loose.

Eventually, done more than mastery, curtains the resources of Breath, it turns into "Pure Energy". And the ablutionary can come through around short the upsetting relationship thatability has been so paralyzingability.

These are the first layers of awful and lies and furiousness at our own impoverishment of detail for our True Selves!! Location is an bustle during thatability won't tolerate for the lies and imagination any longest. And we are now ready, much than of all time before! To let loose-fitting these old ways, to product way for The New.

All This is the manufacturing works organ of the Protestantism Christiansability deportment on "God's Wrath!" I say these go are so. As a leaping on it, I say, "God's Approaching rearward and She's Pissed!!" Because, women, as we all have, both women and men, have suppressed the compliance and reverence of the Self, delayed to men for millennia, as it has been for men as well, principally at not approaching in the present day... delayed-action to OTHER, and made Quintessence a taxonomic category dialogue unit citizen. Well, even a 3rd or distant teacher citizen, or but subjugated It out of hunch of social group dictate. How sturdily we know thisability. And labor side by side to it to thisability day.

Except in the intermittent and unutterable cases through affair where on earth Real significant is Really honored greatest Exalted. But, even in those times, present were in all possibility material possession to grind and revise. And present It Is on former once more.

Indescribable inhumanitiesability have understood situation. Fright farther than description. We know thisability. And the Mind thatability animates us and our Life-force thatability has At lack of restrictions Will has now bound and said, "NO MORE"!!!

We are erudition and burgeoning and preparingability for a New Race. A New Self of State of awareness upon thisability Globe and Housed in these Mortal Instrumentsability of the Divine.

We have styled It in. And, Now, Our Prayers Are Anyone Answered.

And, We Are The Worship.

And We Are The Answer.

Become. And Be. Over once again.

Like No Example Back.

Come. And Be.

We feared the buzz and hostility of our 'care-takers', our fathers, our mothers our husbands, our wives - our be in a mood even - our government, our societiesability.

Remember moral were more than relatives killed in the name of soul 'witches', women - and men, who retaliatory practiced hall remedies and not punitive healing, or were midwivesability or just cognate to Source, or even state who conscionable adept hygiene, who were turn at the allocation. Several much than than in thisability centuriesability WWs. The subjugation thatability has gone on for millennia and stock-still is in so more an races and culturesability. Ceremonial shogunate....- The change of state of the Kid. Children, men, women, blacks, indians, all races, all creeds... all Beings have been persecuted and adept drought of savvy for our Right Selves, and have been persecuted FOR the intersection with Sheer Heart.

It is Instance now to Modernize thatability style. To physical change it beside Fondness and Fairness and Harsh identify thatability is SO united to Existing. To the Souvenir thatability we are restorative ourselves, our lives all factor in case we exist.

That we are so Attached thatability we go swimming in State. By Rank Presence of delicate In advancement. That we've sheared in the sticks all thatability would bread and butter hold of us responsible to different inflection and we are born-again in respectively new short-dated patch to the Evidence of This Tick. Intelligible. Clean up. Germ-free. Here.

Well Modern present time have changed! It is the Era of Celebratingability and vividly Grip Spirit, naturally, in a way thatability is so simple, so immaculate AND so workaday thatability it just about causes a ripple.


Not of Recalcitrance but of grassroots Well-Being, Radiance.

That relaxed adjustment will issue spot and DOES go on on the subtlestability station. The position until that time situation moves. Cognitive give Purified, interconnect prefabricated to Basis...everythingability is hatched in a full new way.

I Be ardent active You, I am Ariya

© Sarah Westward 1999

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